Health Advocacy Group Asks Federal Court to Strike Down CDC’s Traveler Mask Mandate by Matthew Vadum July 14, 2021
“The CDC is not a nationwide police force,” Leslie Manookian, president and founder of HFDF, said in a statement. “Americans must not be dictated to in this manner by anyone, let alone unelected, unaccountable technocrats at CDC.”
HFDF is suing Biden because “he wrote an executive order mandating masks [and] CDC has implemented it,” Manookian said in a separate interview with The Epoch Times. Her group aims “to restore the law and protect people’s rights,” she said.
HFDF “seeks to rectify health injustice through education, advocacy and legal challenges to unjust mandates, laws and policies that undermine our health freedoms and human rights,” according to its website. “We are working around the clock to implement a strategy to remove the unethical and unlawful mask, testing, and vaccine mandates being rolled out nationwide by government, businesses and educational institutions.”
“The executive branch is not supposed to make law,” Manookian said. “It’s also being applied in a very inappropriate, and I would say, arbitrary manner, in that people who legitimately have exemptions are not allowed to fly because the airlines are not allowing it.
“The airlines are telling passengers that it’s federal law, that they’ll be fined and kicked off of airplanes if they don’t comply. And that’s not true. There is no statute. It’s not federal law.”
“We don’t think that anybody should be able to tell us that we have to cover our airway. There is no doubt that covering our airway reduces the flow of oxygen and increases the CO2. There’s very, very clear research on this, and that has a spectrum of effects on the brain and the body, all of which are deleterious.”
And face masks disrupt human interactions, she said.
“Our face is the way that we interact with everyone else in our society and in our community. It is our avatar in public. Being forced to cover our face is making us faceless animals … to be corralled into wherever the government decides we should be corralled.”