The End of Covid, presented by The Way Forward and Alfa Vedic will feature an incredible lineup of guest speakers covering everything that has transpired over the past 3 years in the spirit of educating the public on all matters related to Covid-19, offering context, solutions, and direction towards charting a better path forward toward true health, happiness, and freedom.
In this event we take a detailed look at all facets of the Covid Operation. Through this process conventional medical and scientific tenets will be challenged as the architecture of medical authoritarianism is deconstructed.
This comprehensive program features 90 pieces of long-form content covering everything from hospital protocols, lockdowns, economic impacts, mRNA vaccines, to the science of virology itself and much more.
Through these sessions we travel all the way back to the origins of germ theory touching on every “pandemic” up to the present-day operations of the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex and how this impacts our daily lives.
This presentation is intended to reach not only those involved in the “health freedom” movement but also envisions reaching broad swathes of the population that may not have encountered alternative perspectives and ideas on health and well-being due to media censorship and institutional indoctrination.
This production is intended to create an all-encompassing historical archive and serve as a resource for many years to come with the aim of educating ourselves further and providing the tools for all citizens to inform and empower themselves through carefully curated content.
The event will be launched on June 20th, featuring the following subjects and speakers:
1) Setting the Stage, Part 1: Dr. Mark Bailey, Steve Falconer, Patrick Henningsen
2) Setting the Stage, Part 2: Leslie Manookian
3) The Covid Origin Story: Eric Coppolino
4) Isolation of SARS-CoV-2: Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andy Kaufman
5) The SARS-CoV-2 Genome and Variants: Dr. Mark Bailey, Dr. Andy Kaufman
6) The PCR Tests: Dr. Kevin Corbett, Dr. Jerneja Tomsic
7) What’s Under the Microscope?: Dr. Mari Arce, John Blaid, Mike Donio, Mike Stone
8) FOI Requests and Virology on Trial: Marvin Haberland, Christine Massey
9) The Science and Logic of Virology: Dr. Jordan Grant, Mike Stone, Alec Zeck
10) The Control Experiments: John Blaid, Jacob Diaz, Mike Donio
11) The Proof of Contagion: Jacob Diaz, Mike Stone
12) The Gain of Function Narrative: Dr. Mark Bailey, Dr. Sam Bailey
13) The Spike Protein: Dr. Stefano Scoglio
14) Symptoms of COVID: Dr. Tom Cowan, Mike Stone, Dr. Amandha Vollmer
15) COVID Psychosomatics: Brendan Murphy
16) The Digital Phenomenon of COVID: Eric Coppolino
17) The Psychology of Obedience and Fear: *SEE NOTES
18) Fear of the Germ in Film and Pop Culture: Marcelina Cravat, Michael Wallach, Mike Winner
NOTES: *This session includes Dr. Andy Kaufman, Dr. Kelly Brogan, Dr. Amandha Vollmer
19) The State of Captivity: Meredith Miller
20) Super-Spreading Truth: Patrick Henningsen, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Ian Smith, Dr. Ben Tapper
21) Comparing Health Measures Across the World: Nick Hudson
22) The New York City Epicenter: Michael Bryant
23) The Italian Test Run Analysis: Michael Bryant
24) The Numbers Game: Cases, Deaths & VAERS: *SEE NOTES
NOTES: *This Session Includes Albert Benavides, John Beaudoin, Dr. Henry Ealy
25) The Hospital Protocols: Jacob Diaz
26) Hospital Iatrogenesis: Carolyn Blakeman
27) The Health Implications of Masks: Dr. Jim Meehan
28) HCQ and Ivermectin A Different Take: Jacob Diaz and Steve Falconer
29) The Plandemic’s Economic Impact: Michael Bryant, Mark Gober, Leslie Manookian
30) The Legality of Lockdowns and Mandates: Todd Callendar, Mike Yoder
31) The Power’s In Our Hands: Peggy Hall
32) The mRNA Shots, Part 1: Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Dr. David Nixon
33) The mRNA Shots, Part 2: Dr. Maria Oliva
34) The mRNA Shots, Part 3: Dr. Lee Merritt
35) The Vaccine Damage-: DMED Data: Dr. Pete Chambers, Dr. Theresa Long, Dr. Sam Sigoloff
36) The Vaccine Damage- Frontline Voices: *SEE NOTES (1)
37) What About Vaccine Shedding?: Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andy Kaufman, Dr. Amandha Vollmer
38) Voices of the Wrongfully Terminated: Lo Elizabeth, John Knox, Gail Macrae, Josh Sattley
39) Voices of the Victims, Part 1: *SEE NOTES (2)
*(1) This session includes: Alex McManus, Jodi O’Malley, Karen Zmora, Gail Macrae
*(2) This session includes: Felicity Jackson, Brittany Galvin, Pamela Goodman, Sheryl Ruettgers
40) Voices of the Victims Part 2: Jodie Meschuk
41) Detoxifying From the Shots: Adam and Josh Bigelson, Dr. Barre Lando, Dr. Ana Mihalcea
42) Dissolving the Vaccine Illusion: A Documentary by Roman Bystrianyk
43) Big Pharma’s Dark Past: Alec Zeck
44) The Greater Good: A Documentary by Leslie Manookian, Kendal Nelson, Chris Polaro
45) A Pediatrician’s Perspective: Dr. Larry Palevsky
46) Professional Institutions and Rockefeller Medicine: Dawn Lester, Matt Roeske
47) The Fallacy of Peer Review: Mike Donio, Brendan Murphy, Jerneja Tomsic
48) Conditioned Credentialism: Dr. Kelly Brogan, Dr. Larry Palevsky
49) Bechamp V. Pasteur: Jacob Diaz, Dr. Barre Lando
50) The History of Virology: Dr. Mark Bailey, Steve Falconer
51) HIV/AIDS: Dr. Kevin Corbett, Torsten Engelbrecht
52) The Role of Bacteria: Dr. Mari Arce, Dawn Lester, David Parker
53) Mold, Fungi and Parasites: Daniel Roytas
54) What About Measles, Chickenpox and Polio?: Dawn Lester, David Parker
55) What About Lyme?: Dr. Steph Young
56) What About Antibodies?: *SEE NOTES
57) Part 1: What Really Makes Us Ill?: Dawn Lester, David Parker
58) Part 2 What Really Makes Us Ill?: Dawn Lester, David Parker
59) The Paradigm Shift: Amandha Vollmer
NOTES: *This session includes: Dr. Mari Arce, Mike Donio, Dr. Stefan Scoglio, Mike Stone
60) The Agenda: David Icke
61) The Great Reset and Digital ID’s: Mark Gober
62) Transhumanism: James Tunney
63) The WHO Pandemic Treaty: James Roguski, Jesse Zurawell
64) Convictions Over Complacency: Dr. Stanton Horn, Dr. Ben Tapper
65) The Illusion of Authority: Etienne de la Boetie, Mark Gober
66) Law for Mankind in Action: Members of the Sovereign’s Way
67) InPower Movement: Cal Washington
68) A Common Law Approach to Justice: *SEE NOTES
69) Emancipating Healing Professionals: John Jay Singleton
70) The True History of Western Education: David James Rodriguez
71) The Journey Home: Garret Kramer
72) What is the Way Forward?: Dr. Kelly Brogan, Mike Winner, Alec Zeck
NOTES: *This session includes: Dr. Christiane Northtrup, Lynette Madsen, Jeff Witzeman
The beginning of this module will include a contextual disclaimer acknowledging the reality that some of the topics within “A New Health Story” have not been adequately tested in accordance with the scientific method. We will emphasize that the purpose of this module is to present various healing modalities, healing philosophies and frameworks for health in the post germ theory paradigm.
73) What if My Body is Brilliant?: A Short Film by James and Chris
74) What is Disease?: *SEE NOTES
75) Bio-Terrain Medicine: Dr. Barre Lando
76) The Holography Of Our Terrain: Adam Bigelsen, Josh Bigelsen
77) The Human Biofield: Eileen McKusick
78) German New Medicine: Dr. Melissa Sell
79) Beyond Contagion Dogma: Brendan Murphy
80) Self-Reclamation: Dr. Kelly Brogan
81) The Power of the Inside Game: Tom Barnett
NOTES: *This session includes Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andy Kaugman, Dr. Larry Palevsky and Dr. Amandha Vollmer
The beginning of this module will include a contextual disclaimer acknowledging the reality that some of the topics within “A New Health Story” have not been adequately tested in accordance with the scientific method. We will emphasize that the purpose of this module is to present various healing modalities, healing philosophies and frameworks for health in the post germ theory paradigm.
82) The 4th Phase of Water: Dr. Gerald Pollack
83) The Mystery of Water: Veda Austin
84) The New Cell Biology: Dr. Tom Cowan
85) Water Fasting: Dr. Henry Ealy
86) Homeopathy: Lisa Strbac
87) Alchemical Health: Dr. Steven Young
88) Esoteric Biochemistry: Steve Falcone, Dr. Barre Lando, Dr. Amandha Vollmer
89) The Only Normal: Sally Fallon Morell, Dr. Stanton Hom
90) The 6 Dimensions of H.E.A.L.T.H.: Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan
Learn more about ‘The End of Covid’ and join the official launch on June 20th here: https://www.theendofcovid.com/