Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF) is helping former Nike, Inc. employees to sue the company for punitive damages for religious discrimination, medical discrimination, and battery due to Nike’s COVID-19 injection mandate.
Nike holds itself up as a diverse, equitable, and inclusive employer and has even developed reams of policies and procedures to guarantee religious freedom and privacy, but Nike ignored years of policy when it came to COVID-19.
Plaintiffs Doug Kerkering, Wanda Rozwadowska, and Hannah Thibodo were valued, senior employees at Nike – until they got caught up in Nike’s aggressive COVID policies and were fired or forced to leave the company due to the company’s COVID vaccine policy.
“We are helping the plaintiffs to sue Nike because we want to send a loud and clear message to corporate America that their employees’ rights are not negotiable and that their employees are not disposable,” said Leslie Manookian, president of Health Freedom Defense Fund.
Nike coerced one plaintiff, the sole breadwinner for her young family, into receiving the COVID injection which caused an autoimmune reaction rendering her unable to work and forcing her to leave the company.
“Nike displayed blatant disregard for its own privacy policies and violated state and federal law by denying religious and medical accommodations to those who sought them,” said HFDF attorney to the plaintiffs, Scott Street.
By the fall of 2021, the CDC recognized that the COVID injections do not stop transmission or infection.
But Nike persisted with its policy. It continued enforcing the policy even after the Supreme Court struck down the OSHA mandate for large employers to require their employees to be injected.
“How has a once well-respected company lost its way to such a degree that it was willing to trample not only the rights of its own employees but its own policies over COVID?” said Manookian.
The case, Doug Kerkering, Hannah Thibodo, and Wanda Rozwadowska vs. Nike, Inc., was filed in US District Court in Portland, OR, November 15, 2022. See case page here.