Leslie joins Kimberly Miller and Mary Baker for this week’s episode of Stand & Deliver – A Citizens For Free Speech (CFFS) Podcast.
The reemergence of masks in the public square prompted the need for a discussion centered on bodily autonomy. Leslie is known for many accomplishments, one of the most notable being her work on the legal case that challenged the Biden Federal Travel Mask Mandate that she and her team successfully won in April 2022. Listen in as she shares insights on how we got to this point in history and how we protect our individual sovereignty.
Kimberly Miller: Hi, everyone. Welcome to episode 64 of Stand and Deliver. I’m Kimberly Miller, executive director for Citizens for Free Speech.
Mary Baker: And I’m Mary Baker. I am the national training director for CFFS and also the creator of the Citizen Ninja Way, which is a boot camp activism training.
Kimberly Miller: And, today we have a special guest with us, and let me first of all tell you why we’ve brought in a special guest.
As a lot of us know, there’s murmurs of masks and vaccine mandates returning. And, so we wanted to invite, one of the best experts in the country on this issue. And so we’ve asked Leslie Manookian, who is president and founder of Health Freedom Defense Fund which is an organization that is dedicated to bodily autonomy, which is one of our most basic human rights, to join us today to help us talk through this issue and arm ourselves with information and courage and conviction to stand for our autonomy and sovereignty as individuals.
So welcome, Leslie. Thank you for making the time to join us. And if you wouldn’t mind just tell us a little bit about yourself, a little bit about your background and maybe some things that you’re excited about right now that you’re working on.
Leslie Manookian: Yeah, I have a very different background. I’m different from our parents generation where they got one job and they stayed in that career for 50 or 60 years.
I graduated from college. After about four years, went to business school. Then I went to go work on wall street for Goldman Sachs. Got transferred to London and then went to go and work for a client named Alliance Capital. So I was a portfolio manager, ran the European growth portfolio management and research business for Alliance Capital for about seven years.
And then I became a homeopath. And then I became a filmmaker and made an award-winning documentary on vaccines. And my most recent foray has been into the world of charities. I run a nonprofit. Health Freedom Defense Fund, healthfreedomdefensefund.or, which is committed to instilling in the public consciousness, the idea that we all are born with inalienable rights in particular to bodily autonomy, and then to also codify that in law.
That’s our overarching mission. And so we’ve been super active in the last 3 years because there’s been so much work to do with educating people about their rights. At helping them learn how to advocate for them and then litigating when those rights are infringed. And so we’ve sued, we filed, I think it’s over 12 lawsuits in the last three years, which is a huge amount because it’s so much time and energy.
It’s incredible. I had no idea how burdensome they were. But we’ve done that and we were responsible for removing the federal travel mask mandate, as you mentioned. And and we’ve sued the Los Angeles Unified School District twice, and we just had a huge win against them this week. We’ve stopped universities from refusing to accommodate religious exemptions and religious freedoms.
We’ve had many successes and we just do this work because we do not want to see this kind of crazy dystopian world that’s being foisted upon us actually materialize into something hard that our children and grandchildren are forced to live in. And so that’s what we do the work we do, and we’ve had lots of litigation because there’s been lots of reason to push back in the last few years.
Mary Baker: Great, introduction to give everyone a sense of your expertise and your heart behind all this work. Going back to 2020 when all of a sudden we were told don’t wear masks, they don’t work and then the vaccine and it’s safe and effective and all of that back then we were super focused on the health significance of all of this what it would mean if you didn’t wear a mask, what it would mean if you did.
What it would mean if you didn’t have the vaccine or had the vaccine. And anyway, so we rolled into 2022. And here we are now in 2023 with, as Kimberly said, murmurs of what’s coming up and threats that we’re going to be back again with these mask mandates and so forth. And what we think is that it’s really important at this point that we shift the conversation away from that wearing masks is unhealthy or healthy and actually move it to the greater conversation and the larger issues of sovereignty, rights, freedom, and liberty. And, so that’s where we’d like to start the conversation at this high level. And what is the difference between all of those and the interconnectedness of these words.
We learned them in school, but we forgotten what they actually mean, and then how they’re applied, and how they’re being manipulated and used against us, and it would be great if you were to weave in the work that you’ve been doing in your lawsuits, because that really will show how one can defend against this oppression.
Leslie Manookian: It’s such an interesting concept, Mary, most of us don’t even understand like what, is the origin and what is the ethical principle upon which this great nation was founded. And you have to just look back to our Declaration of Independence and our other founding documents that were written, the Federalist Papers and others like that.
And the writings of people like Patrick Henry and other heroes of mine. And John Locke, of course. I love my son when he was in high school he was studying the philosophers of the enlightenment and he said, I forget who he was saying. He’s saying they’re just wrong. They’re just wrong. He didn’t mean John Locke or William Kant. I forget who he was talking about, but it was the people who basically said that utilitarianism, the idea that the greater good is what’s important are just wrong because of course the greater good is only made up of individuals and two wrongs don’t make a right. You can never harm one individual in service to the group and call that ethical, right? That’s ridiculous. Absolutely. Yeah. So going back to the Declaration of Independence, says very specifically that our rights come from our creator. Essentially that by virtue of being born human, you possess inalienable or unalienable, however you want to say it, rights, which cannot be infringed.
They cannot be taken away. They are born to you. They are innate to you. And these are basic things. We all know that you shouldn’t kill other people. We all know that people should be honored and loved and cared for and appreciated for who they are, right? We know this. We don’t steal. We don’t do all these things because you know what?
It violates people’s rights because it’s just Common law wrong. It’s immoral. It’s like the 10 commandments. These are just basic principles that pretty much all of humanity, except for a small percentage of psychopaths and sociopaths, agree on. And so our founders were absolutely adamant that our rights were not limited to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that those were just among our rights, but that our rights came from our creator.
And as such could not be contravened by government. That’s what’s so important. So when someone tells you the government has the right to do this. The government does not have any rights, government has power and authority and oftentimes uses that power and authority to infringe our rights. But in my way of thinking, it’s not a right that they possess or wield, it’s power.
And to me, the most important thing that we as citizens can do, and that I think Americans have failed miserably at in the last hundred years is to actually hold government accountable. Push back, defend our rights, whether it’s to free speech or freedom of assembly or freedom to petition the government or freedom of of religion, whatever it might be, it’s up to us to actually hold them accountable.
And remember what Ben Franklin said, right? When someone said Mr. Franklin, when they were coming out of the I think it was the constitutional convention, Mr. Franklin, what do we have? What do we have? What’s our government? And he said, madam, you’ve got a a Republic if you can keep it, and the thing is we can only keep it if we’re a moral and educated society. And that’s. That’s seriously debatable at present. So that’s how I think about it. And in our lawsuits, we sometimes will reference these founding documents. More often than that, we’re more focused on more recent writings and case law, but the principles are the same.
And that is the focus of Health Freedom Defense Fund is to actually get us to a point where everybody appreciates that not just masks. Masks are intrusive enough. But what about mandating injections? This is insanity. If that’s not medical rape, what is? That’s what it is. When someone conditions your employment on submission to a medical intervention that you don’t want, that’s an assault.
That’s what that is.
Mary Baker: A hundred percent. And so many people are just adopting this position neutrality and that is. They’re accepting limited speech or compelled speech or censored speech, but that goes with action too that we are limited or somehow compelled towards a particular action and your comment about for the greater good, or people say what’s the harm or you’re so selfish for thinking that way, or there’s great harm and this is what it’s more than harm to the body.
It’s harm to the soul, to the principles of liberty. This is what we need to get people to shift to and defend and stand up and believe in.
Leslie Manookian: A hundred percent. I think that Americans have become people use the term sheeple. They’ve become sheep like in a lot of ways in that they just want to stay within the herd.
They, have tall poppy syndrome. They don’t want to stand up and be counted. Cancel culture has. Develop to a place where especially young people don’t want to get canceled. They don’t want to be singled out. They don’t want to be different. And they have forgotten. That, that we’re supposed to be able to speak freely in this country, that’s why we actually have the first amendment to protect our right to free speech and that most countries don’t have that.
They do not even have a bill of rights that protects their individual rights. So in Britain, they don’t have free speech in Europe. They don’t have free speech. In fact, right now, the European government is moving to ban or to actually censor social media companies and fine them if they don’t censor us, this is insanity.
So Oh my gosh. Yeah. And the, point is that there’s, that our kids have been indoctrinated for decades to accept that the notion that society is more important than they are now, we have to go back to I mentioned the Enlightenment already, so it was Rousseau and others like that who were talking about utilitarianism, that the greater good is most important.
But you know what the biggest trial ever conducted on utilitarianism was the Nuremberg Trials. And at the end of the Nuremberg Trials, which were held of course after the Nazi atrocities during World War II, the Nuremberg Code was developed. And what did the Nuremberg Code say? The Nuremberg Code said that you have rights and freedoms principle among them is to not be the subject of an unwanted medical experiment. That’s one of the most important things and what have we done to people like we’ve strayed so far from that There have been all these international treaties supporting this and yet people have seemed to forget it In fact, I just saw you guys won’t believe this.
Maybe you will you’ve already read it, but there was a Poll out, I think a Rasmussen poll recently that said that 70, what is it, fewer than 50 percent of American Democrats believe in the right to free speech. A, good portion of them, actually more than 50 percent believe that the federal government should have the right to censor us.
Now this is so contradictory to everything that this country was built upon. It’s just hard to even fathom. And yet that’s where we’ve evolved to. And you know what? Before COVID, roughly equal members of both parties said that, I think it was around 70 percent of Americans said that the government should not be able to monitor or regulate free speech.
And now fewer than half of Democrats say that, the government should be curtailed. And so you’re not going to have people defending it. Exactly. And so this is the issue. And so you’re a hundred percent right, Mary, that this is where we are. Yeah. We’ve got to really talk to our young people about why it’s so important.
Would you, even if it helped all the children in your, all your friend group, would you lock one in the bathroom, right?
Mary Baker: Those, questions that get you to think critically about it and logically. About it rather than emotionally. Yeah. Yeah. Because the propaganda and the nudging that’s going on is telling you, you should feel guilty.
You should feel selfish. You’re killing grandma by not doing that. There’s this emotional reaction to that, and then they give you the solution. Here, if you wear this mask, if you take this vaccine, if you do all these boosters, if you stand 6 feet apart if we compel your speech and compel your action, then you are.
You are participating and doing good things, and you will feel good about it. And and then the pressure to virtual signal and all of those things, it’s just driving the sheep off the cliff. And those of us who understand this have a personal responsibility to stand up, defend and talk about this and challenge people.
And how can we let help people figure out how. To do this, how to have a voice and how to defend it.
Leslie Manookian: Yeah. So I think the most important thing we can do is ask questions of our family and friends when they go along with these kinds of things. So first of all, we have to recognize that we and all of our family and friends who have bought into this have been subjected to psychological warfare for the last three and a half years.
I don’t use that term lightly. But that is exactly what it is. You enumerated many of the different methods that they used to control us in the last few years, all to try to make us be virtuous citizens, because who doesn’t want to be virtuous? So don’t be a grandma killer, do your part don’t be that guy, all these kinds of things that they tried to use to influence us.
So a little compassion, right? That we are actually victims of psychological warfare. That’s what’s going on right now. It’s very important for people to understand that. And then, there’s several ways that you can bypass that. It’s not easy. It’s very difficult, usually, head on to just argue with someone or get them to believe, as Mark Twain said, that they had been lied to.
It’s easier to, fool a man than to convince him he’s been fooled. But what you can do is you can ask questions. Would you do this? Okay, you want everybody to be masked, but if your mask works, why do I need to wear one? If your vaccine works, why do I have to get one, right? What difference does it make?
And if it doesn’t work, then what’s the argument for making anybody get one, right? So there’s, there are these logical ways that you can address it. But then the other things are jokes. Jokes. And I think actually you said not to be emotional. True. But I think emotion is where people, more people are moved.
So wait, so you don’t think I should be able to go in there because I’m not vaccinated. So would lock me in a room if you thought it benefited society? How long would you do that for? Would you do that to my little kid? Would you do that to your child? Would you, if you had a disabled child, If you had an immunocompromised child, would you hold your other children back in order to protect that one? Where would you, right?
Mary Baker: I think the emotion part of it is important when that’s the relational piece of trying to relate to somebody who is feeling emotional about it because they’ve bought into Fear, for example. Or the guilt. Or the shame. And so yes, responding to them on an emotional level like that is the only way you’re going to get through because at this point, facts don’t even matter for these people.
Leslie Manookian: No. And the other thing is they say humor and mockery, actually. So when you mock the people who are driving around in their car and their mask, other people can see the lunacy of that. And so they say that mockery. And and humor are good ways to bypass it. Of course, you don’t want to mock someone to their face.You would mock a third party or something. You would never want to do that. But these are ways that we can actually try and bypass some of the programming that people have been subjected to.
Mary Baker: Now let’s just talk a little bit about the emergency use authorization, because I think that’s often used by people who believe they know it they have the answer. And because of that, we’re compelled to do this. And so let’s talk a bit about that because that’s getting more into the legal realm. And people are very intimidated by that.
Leslie Manookian: Yeah, so emergency use authorized products. First of all, there’s a federal code of regulations.
And in the federal code, it specifically says that emergency use authorized products are experimental by definition. Okay. Okay. As such, the recipients or the users of experimental products of EUA products. must have the right to accept or refuse. It’s very interesting. And so we actually the Los Angeles Unified School District in March of 2021 mandated the shots when they were still designated emergency use authorization.
Okay. That’s all they’d been designated. And we said, that’s illegal. You can’t do that. And so we sued them. And you know what? The next day they rescinded their policy and they said, Oh, we were just, it was just a guideline. It was just a recommendation. It wasn’t an actual mandate. But my point is that it actually says in federal code that this is illegal.
What people need to understand is that these were pushed on us. Under the guise of the prep act to the prep act was followed. It was passed in 2005. And the prep act is what authorizes public health emergency declarations. And when a public health emergency has been declared, then any company that makes what’s called a medical countermeasure is provided a liability shield for those products. And all the tests, all the masks, almost all the masks, 99 percent of them and all the shots were only emergency use authorized. One of the ways that you can tell that this was actually a psychological operation is because they were pushing them and forcing them on you, even though they knew darn well that it was illegal.
So we pushed and we pushed on this and they had to back down. They had to recognize that emergency use authorized shots were not legal. But the point is, I think that you’re getting at is that they were using the fear and the idea of an emergency to actually push the public into a desired behavior pattern, which was submission.
Mary Baker: So there’s a difference between legal rights and unalienable rights? I don’t think people understand that either.
Leslie Manookian: I think that your inalienable rights are truly infinite. Why can’t I think of the word? Infinite. They’re infinite. They don’t stop, right? they only stop where you infringe on someone else’s rights.
So you have the right to go out and scream if you’re outside, but if it’s bothering someone else or disturbing their peace or something, then you can’t infringe on that so you have the basic human right to freedom of speech and screaming, but at some point you have to be cognizant of the fact that you’re affecting other human beings.
And so that’s where an inalienable human rights are basically all the just basic rights that we think we should all possess. The right to direct our lives, decide what goes into our bodies, how we’re going to bring up our children, how we interact in our homes how we run a business what we want to do for our, livelihood, all these kinds of things.
These are rights that. We possess by virtue of being born human, and then there are legal rights, but these legal rights have been even though the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights say that our rights are not all our rights aren’t enumerated in the Bill of Rights and in these other documents, they don’t say that they’re limited to the ones that are enumerated here.
They say that among them are these, right? So Those are really a protection, a restraint on the government on what the government do to you, not on the rights that you have. So it’s not like this exposition of how many rights you have. It’s a declaration of what the government can’t do to you very, clearly, but it’s not limited to those that are enumerated there. So there’s this it’s confusing, but the government shouldn’t be able to make you do anything, essentially, as long as you’re not hurting anybody else. And that’s the way it used to be. But what’s happened is we’ve had all of this administrative creep, which is the administrative branch of government.
All the federal agencies that sit under the executive branch have just grown out of whack, right? It was never intended to be a branch of government. And these people it’s, headed by a political appointees, bureaucrats unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats, essentially. And they have certain rules they have to follow, but they’ve basically become little kings in their fiefdoms and and they’re a problem.
And so what’s happening is our rights.
So it’s like our legal rights are undermining our inalienable ones because it’s very hard for us to defend them. That’s why. And because the courts have not done a very good job of actually upholding the principles of our founders.
Mary Baker: That’s right. What a mess. And would you call that, is that what you would call lawfare or is that something else?
What’s going on?
Leslie Manookian: No, I don’t. I wouldn’t call that lawfare. Lawfare. Okay. Yeah. I would call that subversion of the American dream. That’s what I would call that. I think that there have been forces at work for more than a century, more than a century focused on undermining the principles that underlie this great nation, specifically freedom.
The, liberties that we’ve discussed, these freedoms, the inalienable rights American independence and resilience and responsibility. One of the things that Americans have always prided themselves on is that we don’t rely on the government to take care of us, right? That we go out and we earn a living.
The American dream is something that’s available to everyone. My grandfather fled Armenia in, I think it was 1913 to come to the United States because It was either get slaughtered by the Turks or lose all of your property to the Russians who were taking over the property. And so his family got him out and he came with nothing but the shirt on his back and he made his way here and he died pretty well off.
That’s why he came through Ellis Island. He came here. No one took care of him. He didn’t get any handouts. He didn’t get a phone, he didn’t get free accommodation maybe a couple days or something, but it’s crazy. And so everything, this, it used to be this like great gift to come to America and now it’s some right that people possess.
It’s crazy. So I think what’s happened is that every, everything has been subverted and it’s been subverted very deliberately by members of Congress. And most importantly, by special interests and private foundations. So have you guys heard of the Reese committee hearings? Yeah, I don’t, haven’t read into them, but I’ve heard of it.
It’s so very important you guys in the 1960s
I can’t remember what it was. I think it was Congressman Reese. He held hearings investigating the activities of the private foundations. Okay. The big private foundations like Rockefeller and Carnegie and MacArthur and Ford and all these guys. And why did he investigate them? Because in 1913, one of the worst years in American history, they passed the 17th, 16th amendment and the 17th amendment.
And those two things allowed, our senators to be selected instead of by the state legislatures to go and represent the states in DC as a check against the power of the federal government, they were popularly elected. So that destroyed their proper role. And the other piece was to make it legal for the federal government to tax us.
But here’s the thing, when they passed that amendment, they created a loophole for private foundations. So while you and I are taxed, And saddled with taxes, the super rich get to grow their wealth. Tax free in their nonprofits, essentially, and correct it outside of the, eyes of government. And so what ended up happening was Reese held an investigation and he had this guy named Norman Dodd, who was this attorney of impeccable repute, go and visit with all of these these foundations.
And they, he said to them what, is your purpose? What are you guys trying to do? And they actually told him install collectivism in America. This was in the 1950s or 60s, you guys. And so we have now we’re 70 years later. And they have been subverting the ethical principles that underlie this, country for that entire time.
This is why our children are being taught collectivism, why they’re, why there’s so much of a tendency towards socialism amongst young people and and why they’re pushing for all these things that seem to conflict with what you and I believe to be the American dream.
Mary Baker: And just to wrap this up in a bow, why would they want to do this?
Why does that serve them to do this?
Leslie Manookian: I liken it to a kind of war analogy or war strategy. If you’re in a battle, do you want to have 300 million fronts that you have to fight on? Or do you want to only have a few fronts you want to fight on? So if you can Heard the people, especially the young people into a way of thinking, then you can control them very easily through the the eco chamber that they live in their social media eco chamber.
And so that’s easy to do. So you’re changing the culture in a very slow way so that they don’t push back against the authoritarian ways that you are grabbing more power under the guise of. Doing good. So they use all of these ideas. Oh, we’re going to make it more sustainable.
We’re going to make it more equitable, more diverse and more inclusive. And we’re going to sell socialism to you as a really good thing. And people buy into it because they don’t know their history, because they’ve been dumbed down, because they’ve been fed garbage, literally, our food system is so bad, and they don’t have the ability to actually think as well as they used to.
And what they’re doing is that they are subverting our educational system and our cultural fabric in order to get us to do their own bidding, while they take more and more power and we don’t fight back.
Mary Baker: And resources.
Leslie Manookian: And I just say, and the whole purpose, why are they doing this? Yeah, because they want to destroy.
And I know this may sound crazy people. I know it may sound crazy, but I a hundred percent believe it’s true that we are in the midst of the controlled demolition of Western civilization and the United States in particular. And the U S is the most important piece of this because the U S stands in the way of a one world’s government, the new world order without the U S.being taken down, they can’t achieve their vision. And this is why we are under so much attack and why you have all of these, so much craziness. Yeah.
Mary Baker: So just to quickly give you a an image. We spent quite a few years in San Diego, California, my husband and I raised our children there. And we used to go to SeaWorld and we used to watch the Shamu show the killer whale show.
And I said, Oh my gosh, they’re just trying to create shamu’s born and see world who have no concept of what it’s like to swim in the open ocean and be free of any restraints free to make their choices about eating and mating and et cetera. And. This is what they’re creating, children who basically are like Shamu Bornin.
Leslie Manookian: Mary, that’s why they push masks on these little kids. Because the masks dehumanize us, right? Then we no longer see people. Our face is our avatar in our culture, in our society, right? It’s how we interact. It’s how we indicate whether we’re in a good mood or a bad mood. And we signal to others that we want to say hi or be hugged or whatever it might be, and so this is. Really, insidious thing that they’ve done to dehumanize us. I want to just say something cause I have to run in just a second, but this is super important. One of our most important cases is a case against the Los Angeles Unified School District. We sued them over their EUA shot, but we’ve also sued them over their vaccine mandate that’s been in place for two years. They just rescinded the mandate to date two days ago in response to our lawsuit, which led to them getting eviscerated by the ninth circuit court of appeals on September 14th. And I’m sharing this because the issue about this lawsuit is.
Who gets to decide? We have a lawsuit from 1905 that says that the state has the right in extreme situations to mandate a shot or fine you. But all of the more recent case law says that you have the right to bodily autonomy. You have the right to refuse unwanted medical treatment, life saving and life extending medical treatment.
It’s very, clear. So there’s this conflict in case law, Supreme Court case law, and it needs to be reconciled. And our case against the Los Angeles Unified School District is pushing the courts to clarify Jacobson and also to update, to basically clarify this, reconcile, this conflict that exists.
And this is so important because it feeds right into what we’re talking about today and our mission at HFDF, which is to. Help everyone to understand that not only do they have the right to bodily autonomy, but that the government understands that it cannot violate that. So that’s why this case and our work at healthfreedomdefensefund.org is so important. And I hope people who are listening will go and join our newsletter, or become a member for 10, or support our work. These lawsuits are very expensive, but we do them because they serve the public interest. They serve every American. In some way, and we hope that they further protect all of our rights and literally handcuff the government from infringing them in the future.
Kimberly Miller: Thank you so much, Leslie, for being here. We appreciate your time. We know you’ve got to run. So we’ll be following you and be sure to include all of these links in our show notes so that people can find you.
Leslie Manookian: Thank you so much, you guys. What a great conversation. I really appreciate it. Thank you.
Kimberly Miller: All right. That was a fantastic conversation. Thank you again to Leslie for joining us. The one thing that really came to mind is in addition to the idea of being virtuous that we’re doing this for the greater good. It also the underlying message is protection, right? Protective, like the government’s protecting you.
And so we’ve allowed ourselves to think that protection is almost the highest virtue that we shouldn’t ever expect to not be injured, that we shouldn’t expect to be ill or that we shouldn’t have to accept an idea that might go against our own. And so that really stood out to me too in this conversation was the idea that we have to be protected by the government and that is not the role of government to protect us.
There is there to ensure that we can flourish as humans and that to expand our freedoms, not restrict them. So with that before we head out Mary, tell us a little bit about local activist accelerator. And then I’m going to share about the new campaign that we just launched.
Mary Baker: Okay. Yeah. That was a great conversation.
And she had some great tips on what you can do, how you can engage with people. And I guess that’s just a good segue into what we’re offering at local Activists Accelerator, which is a platform, a community platform where you can come in and get on-demand training on how to effectively have this kind of conversation, social conversation with people or just with strangers family, strangers, colleagues anything that’s going on in the public square, whenever this comes up.
Get trained on how you can stage your discourse and how you can deal with bullies. And if it’s appropriate for you, we also have training on how you can build a team of trained activists who can get out there and begin to push back and defend against this oppression and this this violation of our unalienable rights.
We just welcome you to come in there and look around and learn. We just need you to learn. We want you to feel comfortable. We want you to get out there and stand and deliver.
Kimberly Miller: Absolutely. And coming up in October, Mary’s going to be featuring a special segment a theme for the month on fallacies.
And so this is a great way to brush up on your propaganda knowledge and how to spot fallacies. And so we’ll be having some fun with that. And then like I mentioned, we just launched a new campaign called Not Then Not Now Not Evver. And it is our new sticker product that we have in our store, citizensforfreespeech.store.
This is a sticker that features the artwork of Ben Garrison, who’s a political cartoonist. And this image, I think really captures what we you know, all as a as members of CFFS, as team members that this, image really captures the fear the confusion, the unknown future when we, submit to wearing a mask.
And so we want to help people recognize that This is not about health, it’s about control. And this is a tool that you can use to share that message and help support citizens for free speech at the same time. So those are available in sets of four for $15, and then there’s discounts for two or more.
And again, those are available at Citizens for free speech store. And with that, we’ve had a little bit of an extended Stand and deliver today, but I think the conversation was worth it. So thank you to everyone for joining us and we look forward to seeing you on local activist accelerator or during our next episode of stand and deliver.
See you next time.