On today’s show, guest Louisa Williams, ND discusses her new book, Just the Facts. A fully referenced guide to all the issues that arose over the last few years from the Covid shot mandates, to lock-downs, to misleading mainstream media news. She discusses how enhanced 4G and 5G wireless systems create a negative impact on our health and how she addresses those issues.
Louisa Williams initially studied psychology at the University of Texas where she received a Bachelor’s degree, and later obtained her Master’s at Purdue University. Increasingly drawn to the mind-body aspect of healing, she attended Texas Chiropractic College and graduated cum laude in 1984. After moving to the Northwest and establishing the Seattle Health Clinic that specialized in environmental medicine, she graduated in 1990 from naturopathic medical school. Dr. Williams later practiced in Marin County, California for 18 years where she wrote the book Radical Medicine. She currently practices in the Texas Hill Country far away from 5G! Specialties include homeopathy—both constitutional and acute, biological dentistry including mercury amalgam detox, cavitation surgery, and malocclusions; the diagnosis and treatment of chronic focal infections (dental, tonsil, sinus, scars); detoxification of direct and indirect vaccinosis; the identification of primary food sensitivities; the prescription of natural non-pharmaceutically-derived supplements; and counseling patients on the principles of the Wise Traditions diet.