“In the world of pandemic pseudo-science, narrative tension is everything.”
— February 25, 2025, Substack post by Democracy Manifest
In July 2024, we at Health Freedom Defense Fund sounded the alarm about the latest iteration of bird flu fear-mongering being provoked by the usual mainstream media bullhorns. We noted that the pseudo panic propagated by these pandemic pandemonium spin artists was accompanied by dire proclamations from “health experts” and by questionable calls from dubious government sources to take drastic actions.
It now appears that our somewhat satirical forewarning scarcely scratched the surface of the concocted bird flu “crisis.” As we speak, this so-called health emergency has increased exponentially, resulting in mass slaughter of egg-laying chickens and skyrocketing egg prices.
While more than a minor inconvenience, the inflated price of eggs is only the most immediate and noticeable outcome of this latest shakedown.
Step One: Create the Illusion of the Bird Flu Crisis
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”
— Propaganda, by Edward Bernays
In plain English, what Bernays was saying is that when rulers seek to covertly implement plans that would be resisted by the masses if carried out overtly, the first step is to manufacture a “problem” for which these plans are presented as a “solution.”
This fictitious emergency is ignited by the media in order to trigger a “reaction” of fear and panic in the unsuspecting public. Left unstated are the financial windfalls and increased control that the ruling group has embedded within these “solutions” to the “crisis”—benefits that will accrue to them once these “solutions” are put into effect to quell the “reaction.”
The “problem-reaction-solution” trick, utilized by the medical and media establishment and their public health cronies to push the covid “crisis,” is being used again to construct another pandemic deception.
Employing the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process—a common laboratory technique used in research and clinical practices to amplify small segments of genetic material—the fraudsters pretend to have found a “problem.” This time it’s the H5N1 bird flu virus. (In reality, they have simply matched a chicken’s genetic sequence with the sequence pre-built into the PCR test.)
The inventor of the PCR method, Nobel Prize-winning chemist Kary Mullis, said himself that PCR, when employed as a diagnostic tool, is unsound:
With PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody. [I]t starts making you believe in the sort of Buddhist notion that everything is contained in everything else. If you can amplify one single molecule up to something that you can really measure, which PCR can do, then there’s just very few molecules that you don’t have at least one single one of them in your body.
PCR is separate from that [diagnosis]. [I]t’s just a process that’s used to make a whole lot of something out of something. [. . .] [I]t doesn’t tell you that you’re sick and it doesn’t tell you that the thing you ended up with really was going to hurt you or anything.
If the PCR process were not being manipulated in this manner, the hyped bird flu pandemic would not exist, which could be precisely why vested interests tasked Labcorp late last year with designing H5N1 bird flu molecular tests.
Positive test results elicit the desired “reaction” by the public, scaring them into believing there are actual cases of bird flu. Once these “tests” are set in motion, an on-demand fake bird flu “pandemic” is a virtual guarantee.
But a PCR test cannot diagnose disease. It is all a ruse—the illusion of a “crisis” and its imaginary “solution.” Conveniently, the “solutions” introduced include a panoply of business-friendly opportunities—notably, lucrative, liability-free mRNA vaccinations for birds and humans.
Mission accomplished—or at least the first phase of it.
Next, implement a government decree mandating that an entire flock—sometimes tens or even hundreds of thousands of chickens—be slaughtered, even if only one bird at a given location “tests positive” for H5N1.
Meanwhile, conceal the fact that virtually all of the alleged “H5N1 bird flu deaths” are due to government-mandated “culling” programs. Then sic the media on the story to misreport it as “mass deaths due to H5N1” and the hysteria machine stampedes toward the preordained vaccine solutions.
Mission accomplished—or at least the next phase of it.
The Crisis Aftermath: Who Gains?
“Every time it starts, it starts in a concentrated animal feeding operation or some sort of industrial, concentrated situation that’s unhygienic, unsanitary, and fully vaccinated, medicated, adulterated, pharmaceutical-ized, and everything else you can imagine.”
— Sustainable farming activist Joel Salatin
Peeling back layers of the H5N1 onion, we can observe multiple concrete objectives emerging and speculate on others that appear to fit within the narrative.
One notable result of the mass slaughter of “infected” birds has been taxpayer bailouts of the poultry industry. As of January 22, 2025, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), a USDA division that pays producers for the eggs and poultry they kill, has doled out $1.46 billion in indemnity payments and additional compensation, with the bulk of those payments going to large-scale operations.
Another consequence of this latest episode of “bird flu crisis” is a call for increased biosecurity measures, which could vary from farm to farm and could depend on what type of policies are created and enforced.
More missions accomplished.
But some questions must be asked:
— Will biosecurity policies, if enacted, become prohibitive for small farmers due to unaffordable or unfeasible regulatory burdens?
— Could such policies entail requiring farms to operate within the AgTech orbit and demand blockchain registration of all husbandry subjects and ultimately of all farming operations?
— If so, could this lead to a system of total track-and-trace of the food supply and further consolidation of the food system into the hands of large-scale conglomerates?
— Will such policies lead to mandatory vaccination of all chickens?
Given where the food system has been heading for years, these are fair questions to ask.
If each question can be answered with a “yes,” then will these steps individually and cumulatively result in more “missions accomplished”?
The mRNA Gravy Train
“There is a coming tsunami of mRNA medicines.”
— Melissa J. Moore, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, Moderna
One of the unspoken objectives of the covid crisis was to introduce and normalize the new Big Pharma market of mRNA vaccines and to turn mRNA vaccines and treatments into the pharma industry’s new golden goose.
The plan is to use mRNA therapies and injectables for any and all infectious diseases that the mRNA platform is believed to be “useful” for—as well as for any other non-infectious pathologies deemed “treatable” with this technology.
In other words, the mRNA platform will be promoted because of the massive investment in mRNA therapeutics and vaccines and because of the perceived endless opportunities to make money from it, not to mention the lack of liability for the harms that these so-called “vaccines” can and do cause.
Although “there is no evidence yet that the current epidemic of H5N1 flu in birds could be spread between humans,” as industry dispatches maintain, and although CDC messaging asserts that “public risk remains low,” the psychological warfare on the public proceeds unabated. We are warned, “[T]he virus may be silently spreading to humans who don’t show any symptoms.”
We’ve seen this movie before.
The Big Pharma mRNA meal ticket needs to be justified and normalized as new markets are needed for the mRNA vaccine pipeline. The “bird flu crisis” serves this purpose perfectly—and illustrates how an engineered emergency provides the impetus to rev up the pandemic money machine in order to hitch a ride on the mRNA gravy train.
Last year, Moderna received a $176 million grant award to develop an mRNA avian flu vaccine for humans from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Also last year, the US ordered 4.8 million doses of a cell-based, adjuvanted H5N1 vaccine for avian flu preparedness from CSL Seqirus as part of the National Pre-Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Stockpile (NPIVS) program run by the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).
The UK government joined the mRNA feeding frenzy by ordering 5 million doses of bird flu jabs from CSL Seqirus for “pandemic preparedness.”
Like the UK, the EU (40 million doses) and Canada (500,000 doses) have also stockpiled massive amounts of these vaccines for an emergency they admit is unlikely to occur—even within their own narrative.
Just as Moderna and Seqirus are making their moves into this lucrative market for mRNA vaccines for humans, US drug company Zoetis, the world’s largest producer of medicines and vaccinations for pets and livestock and a former Pfizer subsidiary, has gained conditional approval to move forward with its bird flu vaccine. In 2023, Zoetis received a $15.3 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop “innovative solutions” to improve livestock health and productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Such intersections and collaborations point to the pharma industry’s obvious intention to push the mRNA injections into every possible sphere. The investment already made in the mRNA program is astronomical. Nobody spends that kind of money without plans to use it—particularly when it’s billions of dollars of public funding that the private sector swindles to augment their business objectives.
For anyone who thinks this mad rush to use mRNA injections is limited to poultry, think again. The pandemic pimps are now promoting the idea of using mRNA vaccines on cows and have been floating the idea of using this technology throughout the agricultural sector and in veterinary medicine.
Last year, with little fanfare, the USDA approved experimental RNA-particle technology vaccines for dogs and cats.
Medgene’s H5N1 protein-based prescription-platform vaccine for dairy cattle has met the requirements of USDA’s platform technology guidelines and is in the final stages of review for conditional license approval.
American pharmaceutical company Elanco Animal Health Incorporated (former subsidiary of Eli Lilly and Company) has entered into an agreement with Medgene to distribute the bird flu vaccine for cattle. President and CEO of Elanco Jeff Simmons contends that “this product will become part of a routine vaccination protocol for the U.S. dairy industry” and that such partnerships will “serve to advance the One Health platform for animal health solutions.”
And as if all that were not enough pilfering of taxpayers’ dollars, in January Moderna was awarded an additional $590 million by HHS to continue developing its avian flu mRNA shot.
What To Do
“The biggest problem that all of this comes down to is the refusal of most people to believe that people in power wish them harm, actively want to do harm to them. This is the hardest thing for most people to accept.”
— UK political satirist/cartoonist Bob Moran
Bob Moran’s timely warning alerts us to the need to scrutinize the psychological conditioning that attempts to convince the public that the emergency is real and that the accompanying responses to it are justifiable.The first step towards unraveling the entire web of lies is to understand the dynamics of such a large-scale terror campaign.
Our close scrutiny of the bird flu hoax and the ramp-up of mRNA has led us to conclude that the former is complete nonsense and that the “solutions” being proposed are designed to become public policy, which will transfer wealth from the masses to the pernicious ruling powers and thus hand over more control to the authorities.
In the words of 21st Century Wire’s Patrick Henningsen:
The latest “zoonotic” pseudoscience scam run by Pharma, Gates & Govts — even if you believe Avian Flu is real, they admit it’s not lethal for birds & doesn’t “jump” to humans. In reality, it’s a market for more vaccines.
Make no mistake. This is not just a war on birds. It’s also a war on farmers, a war on public health and wealth, a war on our food supply and a continued plundering of the commons. The ability of the powers-that-be to control farmers, to mandate “culls,” and to enforce biosecurity diktats on entire regions would turn the globe into a control grid of factory “pharmed” assets that serve the insatiable greed of a select few.
On the heels of the cataclysmic events of the covid era, it is critical that citizens remain vigilant, look beyond the superficial narratives being presented, and understand how these events are being choreographed to manipulate public perception.