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Behind the Coronavirus

By April 20, 2020October 2nd, 2022No Comments

PODCAST: There is more at stake in our current health crisis than meets the eye. It’s important to look at the nature of the virus and also our approach to confronting it. Leslie Manookian, the writer and producer of the documentary “The Greater Good” today gives us context to consider related to the coronavirus. She covers a lot of ground in this conversation. She explains why White House Health Advisor Dr. Fauci is in favor of accelerating the development of a vaccine, even though vaccines against respiratory viruses are problematic, and she reveals the role and influence of Bill Gates in renown health institutes and the media. Leslie also emphasizes the importance of understanding and defending our health freedom.

Click here to listen to the Weston A. Price Foundation Wise Traditions Podcast with Leslie Manookian “Behind the Coronavirus” or you can read the transcription of the podcast below.

Hilda: Hey, Hilda here. This is episode 238, and our guest is Leslie Manookian. Leslie is the writer and producer of the documentary The Greater Good. Today, she talks about the big picture related to the Coronavirus. She gives us context. She helps us wrap our heads around the nature of the virus. She dispels the myth of the asymptomatic carrier. She explains why a vaccine is unlikely to be of any help and why health authorities, politicians, and even Bill Gates are accelerating a vaccine’s development nonetheless. Finally, Leslie uncovers the many conflicts of interest between those who are touting the benefits of vaccination and those who stand to benefit from its wide distribution. 

Welcome to Wise Traditions, Leslie. 

Leslie: Hi, Hilda. Thank you so much for having me. It’s great to be back. 

Hilda: The whole world is turned upside down. We’re having this conversation at a time when there is much chaos and concern and lockdown and quarantine, and words we never thought would be in our vocabulary are a part of our day-to-day lives. What is your assessment of our current situation? 

Leslie: Well, I think that it’s been massively overhyped in the media and by certain political factions as well, and I think that while it’s real, it’s important to understand that there’s a difference between something being real and something being catastrophic. And the response to this has been, I think, as though it’s a giant catastrophe. There’s also a web of people behind this whole thing, which I think we should delve into, but just to begin, I think it’s important that people understand that there are seven different types of Coronavirus that infect human beings. Four of them are benign, and three of them are SARS that we first saw in the early 2000s, MERS, which was, I don’t know, about five or six years ago, and then now SARS-CoV-2. 

Hilda: This is fascinating. Leslie, I haven’t heard anyone say that there are various types of Coronavirus, let alone say that some of them are benign.

Leslie: Oh, Coronavirus has been around for decades. It’s generally associated with common colds and other respiratory infections, and this idea that it’s dangerous is a very new one, literally in the last two decades. Which I think is kind of peculiar in and of itself. But yes, Coronavirus is literally generally recognized as the common cold.

Hilda: Whoa, this is blowing my mind, but it’s also helping me understand something. I have heard of people who have been identified as having the Coronavirus and who are labeled as asymptomatic. So I’ve thought to myself then maybe it is benign, but no one seems to agree with me. They say to me, oh, that means you’re a carrier. That means you can infect someone else. And I thought, what if we just actually have it, and it’s not bad for us? 

Leslie: That’s not the way the immune system works, right? If the bug were all that was required to make us sick or kill us, we’d all be dead. None of us would be alive today. Let’s just pick this apart. Roughly a third of the population carries staph on their skin and in their noses. If all that matters is that you’re exposed to it and that’s going to cause infectious disease, why do those people all not have staph infections, and why are they not infecting everyone else? Okay, it’s because our immune system is made up of this huge microbiome, right?

Hilda: Yeah. 

Leslie: Which is bacteria and viruses and other kinds of things. All those sorts of little bugs and things. And generally, what people say who are experts on this is that if 80% of our microbiome is beneficial, it keeps the 20% in check. The problem is when the bad guys start to multiply and become more than 20%. And what causes that to happen? Well, we know what causes that to happen. Bad diet, a diet lacking vitamins A, D, and K, which all boost our immune system so much, right? In lacking real vitamin C, not the stuff made in a lab, Vitamin E, all these other things, right? We know all of us Western Pricers know how important nutrition is. So that’s one of the critical things, but also low-stress levels or managing our stress levels, adequate sleep, adequate exercise. We have to have all those things in order to keep our immune system healthy and well. It is when we don’t pay attention to those things that we see a proliferation of the bad guys, and then we open ourselves up to actually getting sick from the stuff that’s already there. It didn’t jump out of somewhere and get us. It’s generally there. It’s just that we are not susceptible to it because our immune system is so robust. This is one of the things that drives me crazy about what the media is doing and how they’re overhyping. They’re telling people you’re an asymptomatic carrier. I don’t think that that’s correct. I don’t think that’s appropriate. These people’s immune systems have recognized it and dealt with it, and they’re done with it. And from what I understand in Britain, there’s a team of scientists who are challenging, the ones who are putting out all the fear, and they’ve said that they believe that the virus has been in Britain for months longer than expected and that half the population has already had it or been exposed to it. They’re just not susceptible to it. So the implications of that are really radical. What it means is that the vast majority of people, and I’m talking tens of millions of people, have already been exposed and not even known it, right? 

Hilda: Whoa. Yeah. 

Leslie: And so are we appropriately addressing this situation in California now the CDC is saying that the virus has been there as early as December 20th, so it’s been circulating the United States since some time, probably in mid-December. I’ll tell you that people in my family had it in February before it was supposedly in my state. 

Hilda: Oh really? How do you know Leslie? 

Leslie: I, of course, I don’t know. But if you look at what is being said by the CDC and other health authorities, they’re saying that this has been a really, really horrible flu season. Way back before it was supposedly ever here. And my point is that the CDC is now acknowledging that Coronavirus was circulating in California as early as December 20th, okay? Before December 20th, they’re saying. If that’s the case, then millions of people had had it way before any measures were put in place, and yet we didn’t have millions of people getting sick or dying. We did have a bad flu season. I’ll say that, and I can speak to that personally. All I’m saying is that it is a perfect example of how people don’t know they’ve had it because they’ve been exposed and their immune system had dealt fine. Same thing with polio, 99% of the people who get polio never know they’ve had it.

Hilda: Yeah. What you’re saying is so radical. I mean, are there scientists, are there links we can point to so that people can pursue more of this information on their own? Cuz you’re not making this up. 

Leslie: Of course not. This is all based on scientific literature. It is a fact. I mean, it’s on my website on under news and views. I’ve written about several of these things in the last few weeks. I think the first one was about three or four weeks ago, and it’s specifically about the Coronavirus and what we know and that we carry staph and these kinds of things. So that’s one thing. The other thing is that the testing that we use to determine whether or not someone is sick or not, or been exposed or not, it’s highly subjective, and that’s all that’s in use at this point, which is something called a PCR test. It is not something that tells us, do we have millions of replicating viruses in our bodies? We don’t know that. 

Hilda: Yes, that’s right. Dr. Tom Cowen, on a previous podcast, addressed that. He said it is a surrogate kind of test that even the man who invented the test said it should not be used to identify viruses as contagious. And yet that’s how we’re trying to use it. 

Leslie: Exactly, and that is what’s being rolled out. And so I think the media is really hyping this, and yet the tests that we are using don’t tell us exactly what we’re being told they tell us. Okay? And now the media is pushing new antibody tests, which hopefully will tell us what we want to know, which is who’s been exposed and developed antibodies and therefore isn’t susceptible anymore. But even those antibody tests are not black and white, and there’s a reason for that because we know from tetanus and other pathogens that someone can have sky-high antibodies and not be immune or have no antibodies and be immune. In the case of measles vaccines, we know that 10% of people who get vaccinated are what we call non-responders. They never mount an antibody response. Now, that doesn’t mean that their body’s not immune to it. It just means that they don’t have what some scientists have decided is the key criteria to look at in the blood to see whether or not someone’s immune. But that’s not necessarily immunity because you can have no antibodies and still be immune. It’s much more complex than what the media is putting out there. And I personally think it’s because the media has an agenda. 

Hilda: Okay. And we will get to that in a moment, but I just wanna review this, so if I’m understanding you correctly, I may have had the Coronavirus already and didn’t even know it. I was asymptomatic because I’m strong. Should I be staying home because I might pass it on to someone, or is that a fallacy? 

Leslie: I believe that this idea that millions of people are asymptomatic is a fallacy. I think that what has actually happened is that their body has been exposed to the virus, recognized it, and dealt with it, and it’s not a problem. So I think that this is another way that they’re frightening people. I don’t think that’s the case. I think it’s a misinterpretation. I don’t think that some of the health authorities are being straightforward with people. The fact that Britain is now saying that half the population may have been exposed, but they’re not all sick proves that.

Hilda: Right. And so I did hear Fauci say on a newscast one day that if enough people got infected with it, we would have heard immunity. But he kind of said we don’t want that to happen. And I was surprised to hear him say that. Is that true? 

Leslie: He did say it. Dr. Fauci did say that, and I think it’s actually a very, very telling remark. He and his sponsors, who is really Bill Gates, don’t want many people to have had it and us to develop herd immunity naturally. Now, why do you think that would be the case? Because they want to mass vaccinate everybody, and they’ve both said no mass gatherings until mass vaccination. To me, it is one of the reasons that they have pushed so hard on a lockdown. They don’t want people who are not susceptible to get it or be exposed to it to develop antibodies, and then there’d be no market for their vaccine. 

Hilda: So Leslie, what you’re saying is challenging most of our understanding about why there’s a lockdown. Most of our information is telling us we are on lockdown to safeguard public health and actually to flatten the curve.

Leslie: I think flattening the curve is the absolute wrong thing to be doing. And I know that there are many scientists and doctors who are coming out saying that flattening the curve is the wrong thing to be doing, and the reason for that is what I talked about with respect to Britain and California, that millions more people have been exposed but not actually developed symptoms. It’s not that they’re asymptomatic. Their immune system just took care of it. They don’t have any issue with it. They were more than capable of fighting it off, so they didn’t have any problem with it. I’ve read that 99% of the people who actually get it and get symptoms actually do respond fine without any kind of medical intervention. It’s only a very, very tiny minority, and I’m not downplaying those people who do become susceptible. Who are, who do have a comorbidity or who are elderly. I’m not downplaying any of the illness or the death from it. I am simply questioning whether or not the reaction to this has been commensurate with the risk. And I don’t believe that’s the case. 

Hilda: Well, even Fauci numbers have gone down. In other words, at first, wasn’t he saying, you know, millions of Americans are getting sick, and now he’s saying, oh it’s thousands like he’s modified his prediction, but, and yet there is this talk still about flattening the curve and extending the lockdown and the social distancing. 

Leslie: So let’s talk about flattening the curve really quickly. What we know now from Britain and from California is that this is more contagious than we’d expected, meaning that more people have been exposed to it, and it’s less deadly than expected. Although the early numbers were telling us initially, they were saying eight and 10% mortality rate of cases. Then they said 3 to 4% from China. Dr. Fauci has actually said, he’s written this in the New England Journal of Medicine, that the true death rate is probably closer to 0.1%, which is nothing more than a flu. And so the question is, why is he saying that in private, in the medical field, while he is spreading fear in the public domain? I think that’s a really important question that people need to ponder. Secondly, we need to understand that the people who are driving the narrative in the media and controlling the narrative in the media oftentimes have a horse in the race. So if you look at the first major models that came out, they were released from Imperial College in London, and this is the model that says 2.2 million Americans could die and 500,000 Britains. What we now know is that the guy who wrote that, which was used to spread all over the media, Imperial College of London, takes money from the Gates Foundation. That man, Neil Ferguson, who wrote the model, walked it back several weeks later and said, well, actually, I don’t think it’s gonna be that bad. He testified in front of parliament. He said, actually, in Britain, we think that the death rate, it’s not going to be 500,000 people who die, it’s probably going be 20,000 people, and more than half of those would’ve died anyway this year. So he was off by a factor of 50, and yet no one is pushing this, except that somebody did push it, which is Oxford University, and a team of epidemiologists from Oxford pushback and said they thought this was grossly exaggerated. The assumptions were wrong in all these things. And this guy, Neil Ferguson, actually sits on certain committees at the World Health Organization and also takes money from the Gates Foundation. Huge money. 

Hilda: So, to play devil’s advocate here, let’s say that Neil Ferguson was simply mistaken. Let’s just say that it’s not because he has a horse in the race, but he actually just, you know, made some erroneous assumptions, and then he backpedaled because he realized I was wrong. Is that a possibility too?

Leslie: If that were the case? Then why didn’t everybody stop the lockdown? Why did they move forward? Why did they actually get worse in Britain than better? 

Hilda: Oh, you mean they moved forward with the lockdown after he back peddled? 

Leslie: Yes, and here’s the other thing I don’t think I fully completed the idea of flattening the curve and whether or not that’s a good thing. The best thing in the world you can do with something that’s not particularly dangerous is to have everybody get it because if everybody who’s not at risk gets it, then they actually do provide true herd immunity and protect those who are at risk. So you have the elderly, those with diabetes, those with heart problems, and things like that.

The people who are really at risk self-isolate. Take care of them, let everybody else get it, and then they’re protected. Wouldn’t that be the best thing to do? No drugs, no vaccines, no risk to them. But the thing is, that is not an approach that sells a lot of vaccines. And the thing is, you need a lot of fear generally to sell vaccines. I mean, that’s what happens. Frighten people, and they’ll take it, they’ll demand it, they’ll beg for it. And following up on your point about Dr. Fauci, what he said about not wanting people to develop herd immunity, to me, that really lets the cat out of the bag. He doesn’t want herd immunity to develop in the population. Now, why would that be the case? Because they want a vaccine. He is developing one of Gates’ vaccines in his own group at the National Institutes of Health, which has taken a hundred million from Gates. 

Hilda: So I’m surprised Gates is such a big player in all of this because I mean, didn’t he just have his tech company and then the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation? How did he become involved in all of this?

Leslie: So, 20 years ago, Microsoft was the subject of a major antitrust lawsuit in both the United States and Europe. They were dragged to court in front of the Federal Trade Commission and the European Trade Commission for their anti-competitive practices, and they were threatened with being broken up. The reason for this is because Bill Gates is reputed to be a very mercenary businessman. He did things that were incredibly anti-competitive, and he was operating as a monopoly and trying to put any competition out of business, so they were going to break up Microsoft. And what happened was they got a small fine, I think it was like 300 three or 400 million. But he was forced to step down as CEO, and he stayed on as chairman of the board. And right after that, within a year or two, he started doing all of this philanthropic work, interestingly, and that was when the Gates Foundation really began, and they started putting billions and billions of dollars into it. And gosh, I don’t know what’s in it now. If it’s 60, it’s a minimum of 60 billion. I think it’s more like 80 billion, 90 billion, something like that that’s in there. I think that the timing of Gates stepping down from the Microsoft Board and from Berkshire Hathaway, which is Warren Buffet’s board, is very interesting. It’s also interesting that Sergey Brinn and Larry Page, who founded Google, stepped down in January from Google. I just find this all very interesting. A lot of CEOs have been stepping down in the last few months. 

Hilda: And what do you make of that, Leslie? 

Leslie: Well, I don’t know, Hilda. I’m not gonna even speculate. I find it very peculiar with respect to Larry Page and all these others. With respect to Bill Gates, I think it’s very clear that he wants to work on his little baby, which is vaccinating the population. That’s his true objective. 

Hilda: And the truth is most people just hear the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and they don’t know what they’re about, but there’s actually a history, and it’s not a pretty one of what he’s been doing with forced vaccinations in India, right? And in African countries, maybe we’ll put a link so people can pursue that more because time doesn’t allow us to go into that very much. But what I have heard him saying right now about our situation in the United States is he said he thinks we have to, sooner or later, we’ll either have to have some kind of certificate. Proving that we’ve either had the Coronavirus and, you know, dealt with it, or we have to have a certificate proving that we’ve had a vaccination.

Leslie: So let me break it down for you because I can do it very quickly. 

Hilda: Sure. 

Leslie: The Gates Foundation started the Gavi Alliance, which is a Global Alliance for Vaccines, okay, Gavi, they gave them 750 million to get going, and they’ve given him a couple of billion dollars since then. The Gates Foundation funds vaccine makers all over the world. The Gates Foundation gave a hundred million dollars to the National Institutes of Health in the US and over $13 million to the CDC. They gave 229 million to the World Health Organization in 2018 alone. They gave one and a half billion dollars to the Gavi Alliance between 2016 and 2019. And the Gates Foundation and the Gavi Alliance are in the top 4 of all donors in the entire world to the World Health Organization top four or five. It goes, the US is number 1 at 280 million, roughly. The Gates Foundation is number 2 at 229 million, and this is just for 2018 alone. The UK is just behind the Gates Foundation, and then I believe Gavi is next at 158 or 153 million. And then Germany, or maybe Germany, comes right before Gavi, but it’s right around there. So you’re talking about Bill Gates has given so much money to the World Health Organization that he gets rights that only voting member countries get. 

Hilda: Oh yes. 

Leslie: He has tremendous influence. And the same guy that wrote the model at Imperial College in London sits on all these different boards at the World Health Organization, modeling things and creating these plans for pandemic preparedness. There’s a very big tangled web here.

This is gonna freak people out, but Gates literally buys the media. In the first decade of the 21st century, Gates gave a billion dollars to the media, just gave it to them. Now, some of the money went to literally “fund” investigative reports on certain things like maybe AIDS in Africa or something. But a ton of the money goes to what he calls, and I want to read it to you because it’s so jaw-dropping to me. 

Hilda: So you are saying that he’s given money to the media? I’d like to think that journalists, most of us think journalists are impartial, and maybe yes, pharmaceutical companies will place ads to support the news programs. But he literally gave money to the media?

Leslie: He gave, and he gives. And what’s interesting is nobody’s really reporting about it anymore. There was an amazing article, and I saved it. It was published in 2011, I think, and it was published in the Seattle Times. Yes, February 19th, 2011. And I just want to read to you what it says, what the authors wrote. So not only do they give money, this billion dollars, not only is it going to specific reporting on specific pet interests of theirs but listen to this quote, this is a quote “to garner attention for the issues it cares about the Foundation has invested millions in training programs for journalists. It funds research on the most effective ways to craft media messages.” Isn’t that terrifying? They’re literally training journalists to write things the way they want it to be written. Okay, and I’m gonna keep going. ” Gates-backed think tanks turn out media fact sheets and newspaper opinion pieces. Magazines and scientific journals get gates money to publish research and articles. Experts coached in Gates-funded programs write columns that appear in media outlets from the New York Times to the Huffington Post, while digital portals blur the line between journalism and spin.”

This is just, I mean, this is jaw-dropping what is happening in our country, and people have no idea. That was just in the first decade. This is not stopped. It is continuing. 

Hilda: This helps me understand why so many media outlets have the same line. All I hear right now is stay at home, flatten the curve, like these certain kind of phrases that are repeated over and over. I almost feel like I’m in 1984. Do you know what I mean? 

Leslie: It’s totally 1984. They’re talking points that have been written by the Gates Foundation and by the Gates Foundation funded Journalists, the Gates Foundation funded Doctors, and Gates Foundation funded researchers. So the Gates Foundation gives money to MIT. The Gates Foundation gives money to the Wuhan Lab of Virology and the Wuhan CDC to develop vaccines. It’s giving money everywhere, and the thing is, when people have to understand, this Foundation has more money in it than the GDP of most countries. Think about that. They are so immense, and everybody wants some of those dollars, so they’re willing to blur the lines a lot.

Hilda: But Leslie, let’s say some people are like, you know what? Vaccines are our hope, the best way to protect all of us from deadly pathogens and viruses. What would you say to those people?

Leslie: Okay. I’ll just make a couple of points. First of all, we don’t know everything that happens in the body when vaccines are injected. We don’t know what a safe dose of mercury is. Actually, what we do know is that no dose is safe, but there’s never been a proven safety study done showing that X amount is safe to inject into human infants. Same for aluminum, but the vaccine makers have never demonstrated how much is safe, and the FDA’s never made them do it. They’ve just assumed that it’s safe, that these things are safe. So we don’t know so much. We don’t know whether all the combinations of vaccines that are given are safe. We don’t know if the whole vaccine schedule that’s recommended by CDC is safe. We’ve never studied any of those things. We haven’t done that, and there are so many questions about it. On top of that, we actually have a vaccine court in the United States that recognizes that vaccines injure and kill some recipients. We have federal law that recognizes that and set up the vaccine court. We have a .75 cent tax on every vaccine administered in this country. We do know that vaccines are dangerous. We do know that they kill people. We do know there’s a table of compensable events that is run by the same vaccine compensation program, and that table of compensable events lists things like death, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, seizures, brain damage, inflammation of the brain, and so many other things. But I’ll just stop there. The point is that there is so much evidence that vaccines are harmful, at least to many. Some scientists and doctors would argue that they’re harmful to everyone, even if people don’t recognize it. And there are not adequate safety studies, but the mountain of science is growing that shows that we need to be exercising caution. So no, I don’t think that they’re the best thing. 

Hilda: And it may be that message is not getting out to people because the media is being controlled by those who have a vested interest in making money from pharmaceuticals. 

Leslie: 100% Hilda. There are so many conflicts of interest today between the Gates Foundation, academia, medical journals, the media, health organizations, you know, global and domestic health organizations, and things. It’s actually extremely difficult for the average person to ferret out the truth. You cannot rely on the mainstream media if you really want to get to the bottom of this. You can’t. You have to go to the alternative media like, you know, us, the Weston Price Foundation. Or, you know,, our Facebook page. And one other thing we do know, this has been scientifically demonstrated that just injecting antigens, so none of the other adventitious agents that are in vaccines, we know that just injecting the antigen, like a measles antigen or a chicken pox antigen, just injecting the antigen alone repeatedly is enough to overwhelm the immune system and cause what is called immune system dysregulation. Meaning that the immune system is in an unstable place where it cannot right itself. It then overreacts to all sorts of things. If just injecting the antigen can do that, that’s undermining our immune systems. Why in the world would you ever want to inject a vaccination? How is that ever the solution to actually boosting your immunity? We want a healthy, intact immune system. We don’t want an immune system that has been compromised by antigens or toxins. We don’t. So I just don’t think that vaccination is ever the answer based on the science that’s available today.

Hilda: So we’ll definitely have people check out your movie. Of course, there are resources on the website about how to understand more about vaccinations. We’ve done podcasts with you and with Tom Cowen on this subject because it is important to give people another perspective. And as we wrap up, Leslie, I want to ask you, well, first, I want to say thank you so much for everything that you shared. I think you’ve really brought some important facts to the table for people’s consideration. But secondly, I want to ask you, if the listener could do just one thing to support their immune system, what would you recommend that they do?

Leslie: Well, I’d like to say there are two things they should do. One is to support their immune system through the things I’ve talked about. A Weston Price diet with adequate fat-soluble vitamins, A, D, and K, is so important. Supplementing with whole food, vitamin C, and obviously cutting out all of the processed foods, processed flowers, oils, and things that are so bad for us. The other thing I really encourage people to do is to find a health freedom movement, a health freedom organization in your state because we are going to lose our rights to decide how we keep ourselves healthy and well if we don’t stand up and stand up now.

Hilda: Wow. I’m just wondering, how do you find a health freedom group?

Leslie: Well, just go use a search engine, not Google, preferably. Use a search engine and just search for health freedom and whatever your state. In Idaho, it’s Health Freedom Idaho. 

Hilda: So, health freedom, you’re advocating that we should advocate for our health freedom, right? Because otherwise, our rights to take care of our bodies as we see fit is in jeopardy. 

Leslie: Without a doubt, there is no doubt. Gates and Fauci and these others, I mean the Prime Minister of Australia and Canada and other figures have been calling for, Henry Kissinger have been calling for mandatory vaccines. They want to make this whole program mandatory, and they have a very, I believe, frightening plan to do it. They wanna make sure that you have a certificate of vaccination or antibody test, but they want to push for the certificate of vaccination. They also have other things, though. They want to microchip everybody. And that microchip would provide you a digital id, a global digital ID, so every human on the planet can be tracked, and that digital ID will be linked to your vaccination records, your medical records, and other things. This is about control. This is about a global police state, and these people are pushing it, and Gates is funding this microchipping technology. He’s also funding a micro patch vaccine, and it’s being tested. It’s one of the tests that’s now underway. A micro patch vaccine that you stick on the skin and it releases not only the antigens and the vaccine into you, but it also releases dye, little dye particles that are invisible to the naked eye but visible with an app on a smartphone that can read infrared. This will be a way for tracking you, so just think about where this goes. They’re saying no mass gatherings without mass vaccinations. They’re saying, and they’re telegraphing to you, our world will never be the same. People need to get used to working from home. They’re trying to introduce digital currencies all over the world. This has been going on for months that paper currency is dangerous and dirty and that the virus can live on it. This is about fear-mongering because they want you to accept that you will live at home, separated from society, and only buy things off of Amazon, literally using your digital currency or your credit cards. They don’t want you to be able to go into town and use paper money. This is where this is going. And so just think about this, you want to go into church, you have to scan your arm to make sure you’ve got the vaccine, there they can see it. You want to go to a concert, scan your arm, scan your microchip, and produce your certificate of vaccination. You want to go to the grocery store, the post office, wherever you want to get on an airplane. People who don’t comply will be barred from normal life. That is where this is going. And I don’t mean to frighten people, but I think it is imperative that people wake up to what the agenda is here behind the scenes. They’re putting it out there. If you go and search for this, and I’ve written about it on my blog, so please, please go and check it out,, news and views tab, and you will see the things I’ve only touched the surface, but at least that will get you going there, and there are links in all those articles. This is the world that they envision where you do not participate in society unless you have acquiesced to their whims to vaccinate you for Covid 19. But don’t think it’ll stop there. Why would they stop there? 

Hilda: It’s not gonna stop there. 

Leslie: Flu and anything else, Hilda? I mean, that’s where this is really going, in my view. And so I think that that’s one of the reasons why they have stirred up so much fear because politicians and other authorities have admitted that you can achieve much more when the populace is afraid than you could under normal circumstances. These are the comments that they’re making right now.

Hilda: Leslie, this is mind-blowing, and I can’t wait for people to dig deeper. This is the thing, the Weston A Price Foundation is committed to getting this information out, and then people can do with it what they will. We want them to dig deeper. We want them to test us and challenge us and look to links and do their own research because goodness knows we’re another outlet for them to consider, to get information from, you know, and we want them to go deep. We don’t think you should take anyone’s word for anything. Actually, this is a time for digging deep into these issues, particularly those related to health and nutrition, and wellbeing. So we are so thankful that you took the time to make this conversation with us, and we can’t wait for people to visit your site, watch your movie, and learn more. So, before we wrap up, Leslie, I want to ask you, what do we know about the Coronavirus vaccine right now? 

Leslie: So there are a bunch in the works, and you asked me earlier why vaccination isn’t the best answer to these things. And I said, we want to build up immunity and things like that, and that there are problems with vaccines in general. But the problems with coronavirus vaccines are terrifying, and they’re very specific to respiratory vaccines. It’s really interesting; 50 years ago, they did studies on RSV, which is a respiratory disease, and on developing a vaccine for that. The trials were so dangerous two children died, and they caused an enhanced immune response in the recipients. And then, after SARS in 2003, they started working on a vaccine for that, and they used four vaccines, which they believed were the four best candidates to study; what they found was they injected these into lab animals, and the animals all developed antibodies. And they thought, fantastic. They had a really healthy, robust immune response. Terrific. So they were like, great. Then they went, and they exposed the animals to wild Coronavirus, and they had horrific results. They had full body inflammation in the animals. They had lung infections and lung inflammation, and death. Health authorities said, and the people who were running the trials were like; obviously, this is not a candidate for human trials. So they stopped. They completely backed off. So we’ve got two cases where we’ve seen really, really, bad outcomes in trialing respiratory vaccines. And the one in 2003 was specifically for SARS, okay? This is crazy. We don’t really know. And here’s the other thing is those were in animal studies, animal models that they did. What’s happening right now with the coronavirus vaccines? There are like seven or ten that are being studied, and two are already in trials. Dr. Fauci has fast-tracked them. They are bypassing animal studies and injecting them directly into humans without doing that process. 

Hilda: That doesn’t sound good. 

Leslie: Given that the last two showed really horrific responses, in particular in animals, why would you want to do that in human beings? It’s very, very scary. And the other thing is, Bill Gates has said, You know, we’re going to need to send these vaccines all over the world, but we’re going to need government indemnity before we do that. Meaning they want global governments to make sure that they have no financial or legal risk. They want to be indemnified against all risk before they send these vaccines all over the world. That alone should give every person pause. 

Hilda: I had heard that he had said that. It’s because he doesn’t want to be liable because he has a feeling, I guess, that this isn’t going to work. 

Leslie: Yeah. I think it’s important for people to understand that with these respiratory vaccines, they have a heightened immune response, which can be lethal. And we don’t understand it well, and really interestingly, some of the biggest vaccine proponents in the United States, Peter Hotez, who’s a vaccine developer in Texas, and Paul Offit, who’s a vaccine developer at the University of Pennsylvania and patent holder, they are really exercising caution. They are warning people to be cautious about these and trying to slow down this bus, but they don’t seem to be having much success. And the reason for that, I believe, is because they don’t want to see these vaccines come out, injure or kill a ton of people and then that threaten their childhood vaccine program. Because it’s not gonna reflect well on any vaccine if this thing causes tons of harm, is it? 

Hilda: So, thank you so much, Leslie. Seriously, this information has to get out. I hope it will reassure people actually because you are shedding light on the fact that perhaps many of us have the Coronavirus, our bodies will be able to deal with it, and that we shouldn’t take all the information we’re getting at face value, there’s more to the story. 

Leslie: Completely. And you know what the other thing is, which we didn’t talk about, states that did not lock down have had better outcomes and fewer hospitalizations and infections than states that did lockdown. I think as time goes on, we will see that this was a gross overreaction. Again, not to minimize anyone who got sick or died from it, it’s just that we want, you know, they say you don’t want the cure to be worse than the disease. You don’t want to kill the patient to cure the disease, right? And 17 million people have lost their jobs in three weeks. Just in three weeks. In the week previous to the shutdown of the economy, 280,000 people lost their jobs that week, just to put it in context.

Hilda: Wow. 

Leslie: This is truly draconian. What is happening? We are going to enter a global recession that we may not come out of for years, and some people are saying a depression. This is massive what they have unleashed on us, and if it was unwarranted, which the data is more and more pointing to that. Wow. Just wow. 

Hilda: Yeah. I’m speechless myself again. You’ve given us a lot to think about. Thank you again, Leslie, and we will talk again. I’m sure. 

Leslie: Thank you, Hilda.

Hilda: We’ll talk soon. Bye.