Health Freedom Defense Fund and its members have been pressuring the City of Hailey, Idaho since January regarding their unlawful mask mandate. HFDF sent the city demands to repeal their unlawful order informing them legal action would come, submitted public records requests, communicated with the city administration, tracked the city council’s voting on perpetuating the mask mandates, and finally after no action was taken by the city to repeal their unlawful mandate, HFDF sued Mayor Martha Burke and the City of Hailey.
Later the same day, Hailey Mayor Martha Burke issued a new health order removing Hailey’s mask mandate which was followed on May 10th, with a vote by the city council to rescind the mask mandate. Council President Kaz Thea and councilman Sam Linnet voted against repealing and Mayor Martha Burke cast the deciding vote in favor.
In the US, masks have been issued under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and the terms of the EUA granted by FDA clearly state that the product must not be: “labeled in such a manner that would misrepresent the product’s intended use; for example, the labeling must not state or imply that the product is intended for antimicrobial or antiviral protection or related uses or is for use such as infection prevention or reduction”.
Thus the FDA recognizes masks do nothing to stop the spread of viruses or infectious agents.
Not only does FDA acknowledge masks do not prevent the spread of the virus, the terms of the EUA also require that those using the products be given the right to accept or refuse use of the product. See FAQ.
Despite Hailey’s repeal of the health order, the lawsuit continues, pending an agreement between the parties.
No public service has the right to deprive a citizen of the right to breathe.
Read the lawsuit against Hailey here.